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State Fair Ministry: 

…one lady was on the edge of her seat as I shared the Good News. She knew a lot of the Bible but, as I shared… the message of salvation was clarified through the Wordless Book and she prayed to accept Jesus into her life…. Kim Walker, CEF Missionary


A woman stopped by to say she came in the booth 5 years ago. She listened to the story but was not ready to pray. Three years ago she started attending a church and was saved a year later. She now attends church regularly and wanted me to know what happened to the seed we planted.  Kim Walker, CEF Missionary


The Wordless Book is the single most effective tool to share the Gospel than any other method I know. Pastor John Wilson – Farm Loop Christian Center


CEF Training: 

I love to learn from Good News Clubs and the training that they give to adults.  I feel like I can take that same knowledge and skills and use it in our children’s programs at our church.  Good News Club Volunteer and Chaplin’s wife, Sharon Burns


I demonstrated the Wordless Book to a Christian woman who was struggling with God’s love for her.  Later she told us that she took what she had learned at our CEF training and she shared the Gospel with her mother.  Her mother received Christ that night.  Sharilyn Hargrave – CEF Missionary


Good News Clubs:

My daughter came home from Good News Club and started asking questions about God.  We began reading together from her Bible.  I know this spiritual desire to learn more came from Good News Club.  Military Chaplain, D Mulder, JBER


I didn’t become saved until I was an adult, but I know that when I was a child the seed of the Gospel was planted in my heart from a neighborhood Good News Club.  Now I’m eager to volunteer and have my family involved with Good News Clubs.  Katherine Martin


A friend invited me to a backyard Good News Club.  It was the first time I heard about God and His love for me.  When I heard that CEF was having a Good News Club at my daughter’s school I knew we needed to get involved.  Parent, Birchwood Elementary School


Children need to know that they can have a forever friendship with God right now.  When a grandmother learned that her grandson accepted Jesus as his Savior at a JBER Good News Club she asked him what made him decide.  He responded, “I didn’t know I could!”  Sharilyn Hargrave – CEF Missionary


Christian Youth In Action

CYIA prepared me and trained me on how to effectively share the Gospel.  It gave me the confidence to stand firm in my faith.  Katie Olson, Bible College Student


Until I went to CYIA camp I didn’t know there were other kids like me who wanted to learn the same thing; to learn how to share the Gospel.  Makayla Downing


(CYIA) camp had a huge impact on my life.  It changed my prayer life and it changed the way I interacted in my church. I was no longer going to church to meet up with people.  I was going so that I could learn and grow with other Believers.  Geoffrey “Dippy” Igarashi


Our daughter came home from Christian Youth In Action with a boldness to share her faith.  We knew we needed to find out more…and now our whole family has become involved with CEF.  Jennifer McKinnie, CEF Committee member & Good News Club Leader


VBS / 3 Day Clubs / Summer Outreach

I was so excited to see my neighbors look out their windows when the Good News Club kids would shout the Word UP “I Can Put My Faith In Jesus”.  This 3-Day Club has opened opportunities for me to talk to my neighbors about Christ.  Wasilla 3-Day Club Hostess


I am so thankful for CEF and how they came prepared with trained teenagers to lead a 3-Day Club in my front yard.  It has given me opportunities to talk with my neighbors and invite them to church.  Anchorage 3-Day Club Hostess


I had invited one child to come to our 3-Day club but they declined.  Later I saw them sitting in their window listening to the Bible lesson and the missionary story.  Later that week I invited them to come to my church and I was surprised when they said “Yes”!  Thank you CEF!  Anchorage 3-Day Club Hostess

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