We always welcome you to join our ministry through prayer, giving, and participating in training which will equip you to begin ministering through CEF right where you live today.
Our priority is to ensure all of the children we come in contact with are safe and protected. Therefore all of our adult volunteers are background checked and screened.
"He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." Luke 10:2
Evangelistic Trainings
Evangelistic training can be provided to individuals and churches upon request. Contact us about in person and online training classes currently scheduled.

We are thankful to serve a good and loving God and believe in giving Him praise and seeking Him through prayer. If you would like to engage in this vital part of our ministry, we would love to have you pray for CEF Alaska and praise God for what He is doing in hearts across the state.
It would also be an honor to be praying for you. All prayer requests are kept confidential and not shared outside of our team of prayer warriors.