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About Us

Child Evangelism Fellowship International

Child Evangelism Fellowship® is a Bible-centered organization composed of born-again believers whose purpose is to evangelize boys and girls with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and to establish (disciple) them in the Word of God and in a local church for Christian living.


CEF of Alaska


To reach the children of Alaska with the gospel of Jesus Christ.



Teaching adults to disciple teens to evangelize children.



Our purpose in Alaska is to see adults, teens and children raised up all over this great state. We do this by offering training for adults and teens. These trained workers are then sent out in their home towns to put on Sunday School, Children’s Church, Vacation Bible school and Good News Clubs.


Our training takes several different forms. We hold 10-day training camps in various locations around the state at the beginning of each summer. Another option for initial training is sending out one of our traveling teacher/trainers. These CEF workers are eager to travel to villages any time of the year to do weekend training courses and offer encouragement and support to existing programs.


Are you in rural Alaska? Would you like to see a children’s Bible program established where you are? We would love to help!




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